Why it is important to distinguish arthritis and osteoarthritis of the knee joint: highlights

Arthritis and osteoarthritis negatively affect the entire life of the patient. When the signs of the described joint lesions appear, people jump to conclusions. They can make mistakes, confuse the indicated pathologies. It is important to remember that the difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis of the knee joint is significant. Let us consider in more detail the features of each disease. Let's find out their differences, as well as the difference between osteoarthritis and gonarthrosis of the knee joint.

Extension of terminology

Arthritis and osteoarthritis are considered to be related words. Both mean joint damage. Because of the consonance of the terms, patients often perceive them as synonyms. This approach is wrong. To know how arthritis differs from osteoarthritis of the knee joint, you need to consider the characteristics of each.


Osteoarthritis is represented by the deformation of the joints. The pathology is considered to be related to age. It is more common in elderly patients. It is also found in people under the age of 40. Most often, its appearance is provoked by severe injuries to the joints, fractures. The risk group is represented by the athletes. Learn more about osteoarthritis of the knee joint.


Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that develops in a compound. Usually, its appearance is manifested by a deterioration in the functioning of the connection. The whole body is inflamed. The disease can break out in any joint. It can also cover multiple connections at the same time. Find out more about arthritis of the knee.

Difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis

The difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis is represented by the nuance that immune deficiency is considered to be a cause of inflammation. It can manifest itself:

  1. Stressful situation;
  2. Hypothermia;
  3. Influenza postponed.

The inflammation is caused by an infectious agent, metabolic disturbances and immune dysfunctions. Thanks to the improved function of the body's defense system, the immune system acts against itself.

Signs of arthritis

This joint pathology is manifested by the main signs and others. The main ones are:

  • Joint pain. It's loud, worse at night;
  • Redness of the dermis over the affected joint, swelling.

Additional signs of inflammatory disease are also seen:

  1. nocturnal pain, manifested by complete rest;
  2. pain relief when moving;
  3. morning stiffness. It passes after an hour;
  4. redness, swelling of the knees;
  5. attacks of severe pain in the knee area. They last for several days;
  6. the presence of dense nodules under the skin;
  7. subfebrile temperature;
  8. alternating swelling of the joints;
  9. blisters on the dermis, redness. They indicate the development of a reactive form of pathology;
  10. decreased appetite;
  11. weight loss.

Signs of osteoarthritis

The joint lesion considered presents main and complementary signs. Among the main ones are:

  • Joint crunch;
  • localization in the knee region;
  • limitation of connection mobility;
  • Pain is more common when moving. In a calm state, it rarely appears;
  • joint deformity. Its appearance changes, the direction of the members may change;
  • deterioration of blood supply, nutrition of joint tissues.

The specific events are:

  1. Onset of pain at night;
  2. relief of pain at rest;
  3. NSAIDs do not relieve pain;
  4. painful crunch;
  5. limited joint mobility;
  6. proliferation of osteophytes.

Differences in major joint damage

Difference between joint damage

The main difference between osteoarthritis and arthritis is that osteoarthritis is a condition of the joints that destroys and deforms it. Arthritis affects the functioning of internal organs. The kidneys, heart and liver suffer from this disease. When choosing a treatment, doctors pay special attention to internal organs.

To make it easier to distinguish between diseases, we will illustrate them below.

Signs of pathology Osteoarthritis Arthritis/ zxtr>
Pain syndrome It usually appears after a movement. Pain is also felt after intense effort. People don't pay enough attention, thinking that the pain is overworking. The disease progresses and results in painful sensations when light loads on the joint. The knees are also a nuisance on rest days, when the joint is not affected. In a comfortable position, the pain does not bother and disappears. With this pathology, pain is felt all the time (with vigorous physical activity, at work, in a calm state). The disease is characterized by nocturnal pain, often disturbing from 3 to 5 a. m.
Crunch It's peculiar to this login defeat. Its appearance is provoked by the destruction of the cartilaginous layer, bone friction. At the same time, a specific sound is heard (dry, rough). It increases with the progression of the disease.
Decreased joint mobility The affected joint reduces range of motion. The joints, the whole body, are linked.
Joint deformation It gradually appears at the joints. If the disease worsens the aching pain type. Usually there is no swelling. Warp is also present. The area of ​​the affected joint turns red, swells. After pressing, a sharp pain is felt. Possible nodules. The temperature of the inflammation site rises.
Blood test results Osteoarthritis does not tend to affect blood test scores. The inflammatory markers remain unchanged. This disease is characterized by an increase in ESR. An increase in the level of leukocytes indicates the course of inflammation in the joint. Biochemical analysis data show an increase in inflammatory markers.
Location Most often fixed in the knee joints. Less frequently, the disease covers the joints of the fingers, ankle.

Is there a difference between osteoarthritis and gonarthrosis of the knee joint? Gonarthrosis is arthritis that develops in the knee joints. This pathology can be confused with a number of diseases:

  • Meniscopathy.It is represented by damage to the menisci. This pathology, blockage of the knee joint, can be observed in patients of different ages, of both sexes. Basically a connection is prone to damage. The difference with knee osteoarthritis is rapid development. It is manifested by a tightening, sharp pain in the joint after running, jumping, walking. After 10 to 15 minutes. sharp pains pass.
  • Coxarthrosis(osteoarthritis of the hip joint). This diagnosis can be made because of the reflection of pain in the area from the hip joint to the knee. It is quite easy to differentiate such a state. With coxarthrosis, the mobility of the knee joint does not change. It bends easily, without pain. Doctors notice a decrease in the ability to rotate the leg “from the hip”. It is also difficult to spread the legs to the sides.
  • Vascular painmanifested in the knee. Pain may indicate a deterioration in blood flow to the knee joint area. Such sensations are observed in adolescence. At this time, active growth is observed. Vessels don't have time to grow as fast as bones. Pain in pathology is symmetrical, it is also manifested in both limbs.
  • Periarthritis. With inflammation of the tendons of the knee, the pain is felt after carrying heavy bags, after going down the stairs. Most often, pathology is observed in women over 40 years old. The pain does not extend to the entire knee. Felt only on the inner surface of the knees. The mobility of the knees is unlimited.

Differential diagnostics

With the described diseases of the joints, the doctor asks the patient to make a differential diagnosis. It is important to distinguish between arthritis and osteoarthritis. There are also a number of arthritis subtypes. Osteoarthritis takes place in several stages.

To distinguish these two pathologies from each other and from a number of other knee injuries, name:

  1. Radiography of compounds;
  2. biochemistry of blood;
  3. rheumatic tests;
  4. CT;
  5. x-ray of the spine;
  6. IRM;
  7. bone scan.

Treatment of joint injuries

It is important to know what condition you have been diagnosed with (osteoarthritis or arthritis of the knee joint) and not to be confused. Different approaches are used in the treatment of the diseases in question.

Drugs for the treatment of osteoarthritis

Drug treatment of osteoarthritis

In the treatment of osteoarthritis, doctors use drugs (analgesics, hormones). they also use physiotherapeutic procedures, therapeutic exercises, massage. If the case of the pathology is particularly severe, drugs containing glucosamine sulfate are used. In some cases, surgery is necessary.

Therapeutic course for arthritis

Doctors choose a treatment course for arthritis taking into account the form of the pathology. Patients should avoid physical improvement. loads, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, poor diet. Therapy is carried out with the use of drugs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics). To increase the effectiveness of the treatment carried out, physiotherapy procedures, exercise therapy are prescribed.

Prevention of joint pathologies

To prevent the development of pathologies such as osteoarthritis or arthritis of the knee joint, it is worth listening to the recommendations of specialists. As a preventive measure, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • Good nutrition;
  • Moderload physics.
Processing costs

Each of these activities will be required even after processing. Let's take a look at the characteristics of each of them.

Physical activity

They should be moderated. Such exercises contribute to weight loss, strengthening the corset of muscle fibers and increasing blood circulation. Each element is very important in preventing joint disease.

Heavy load on connections

Patients should be careful. If you put an increased load on the joints and accidentally injure them, you can achieve the opposite effect. Instead of improving the condition, new problems will appear. It is also dangerous to perform exercises of the exercise therapy complex incorrectly. All courses must be taught under the supervision of an instructor, attending physician.

Joint gymnastics

As a preventive measure, it is enough to perform joint exercises. It is quite common. It is easy to do. In addition, there is no need to purchase special equipment. Particular attention should be paid to exercises in the swimming pool. During any activity in the water, the load on the joints is minimal.

Good nutrition

Doctors recommend reviewing your diet, your preferences in terms of food choices. For the purpose of prevention, doctors recommend excluding a number of products from the daily menu. Among them:

  1. Red meat;
  2. Alcohol;
  3. Foods high in fat.

Must be included in the plan:

  • Seafood;
  • Fruit;
  • Fish;
  • Gelatin (it can be used as jelly meat, jelly dessert)
  • Gelatin
  • Vegetables

Drink 2 to 3 liters of water per day. Alcohol is excluded. You need to start taking vitamins: calcium, D, B, A.

Other preventive measures are:

  1. Weight control;
  2. Protection against hypothermia of the joints;
  3. Mandatory maintenance of a healthy lifestyle;
  4. Good sleep, rest;
  5. Wear comfortable shoes. It is possible to use shoes with orthopedic soles, comfortable heels;
  6. Elimination of such a bad habit like crossing your legs while sitting;
  7. Take the stress out.