Osteoarthritis of the hip joint

symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is a pathology that occupies a prominent place among various degenerative-dystrophic problems of the musculoskeletal system. There are many reasons that cause this disease, hence, different age groups of people are at risk. However, it should be noted that most often the defeat of the hip joint occurs in middle-aged and elderly people.

Grade 1 osteoarthritis of the hip joint is successfully treated with medication without surgery. However, unfortunately, patients are in no hurry to seek immediate medical attention, mistakenly thinking that the painful sensations will go away on their own. Meanwhile, the pathological process has already started and is progressing more and more every day. Distinguish between primary osteoarthritis of the hip joints, the etiology of which is unclear, and secondary osteoarthritis resulting from such diseases:

  • Perthes disease;
  • congenital dislocation;
  • abnormal tissue development in the hip joint;
  • aseptic necrosis of the femur;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • hip fractures.

One or both hip joints may be affected. Bilateral osteoarthritis is not uncommon and, with a unilateral pathological process, can involve the spine and knee.

Causes of osteoarthritis of the hip joint

  • deterioration of arterial blood flow and its venous outflow, as a result of which the tissues are insufficiently nourished, there is an accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products, responsible for the activation of enzymes;
  • mechanical factors that cause joint overload, for example, overweight or professional sports;
  • biochemical changes in cartilage, hormonal disturbances, metabolic disorders;
  • traumatic dislocations, cervical and pelvic fractures;
  • necrosis of the head tissue of the hip bones;
  • inflammation of the joints, infectious process;
  • pathological changes in the spine (kyphosis, scoliosis) and flat feet;
  • congenital dislocation of the femur;
  • congenital pathologies of joint development;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hereditary predisposition of the body (skeletal weakness, metabolic disorders, structural features of cartilage tissue).

Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hip joint

The general symptoms of this pathological process are distinguished, however, it should be understood that they may differ at different stages of the development of osteoarthritis. The main signs of hip joints are:

  • pain in the groin, hip, joint and knee that does not go away even with rest;
  • rigidity and rigidity;
  • limping;
  • atrophy of the femoral muscle;
  • the affected limb becomes noticeably shorter.

The main symptom of osteoarthritis of the hip joints is pain, intensity and duration, as well as the nature and localization, which depends entirely on the characteristics of the pathological process. It is best to start treatment as soon as the disease appears, when the discomfort is not yet very pronounced. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, the pain will begin to intensify, which will significantly limit the mobility of the affected limb.

Grade 2 osteoarthritis of the hip is characterized by severe pain that radiates to the groin and thigh. In this case, the functioning of the joint is disturbed, lameness appears, internal movements and abduction of the hip to the side are limited. The abductor and extensor muscles lose their strength, bone growths become visible on the x-ray, which can protrude sharply. The head of the femoral bone is deformed, its contour is deformed, and the volume increases. In addition, cysts can form in the most stressed areas of the joint.

In stage 3 of the development of osteoarthritis, the pain becomes permanent and may even bother you at night. It becomes so difficult to walk that you have to use a special cane. In the hip joint, movement is limited, the affected buttocks, thigh and leg muscles atrophy, and the leg is shortened. All of this leads to a change in gait and an increased load on the affected joint. As a result of increased bone growth, the joint space disappears and the joint grows together, ultimately losing its mobility.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint

hip osteoarthritis treatment methods

If the disease is detected at an early stage, preference is given to conservative methods of treatment, using various drugs. The patient is prescribed mainly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which perfectly relieve swelling and inflammation, due to which the pain syndrome decreases. In case of muscle spasms, muscle relaxants are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at stimulating blood circulation and relieving spasms. In addition, for osteoarthritis, chondroprotectors are often used - drugs that allow the restoration of thinned cartilage tissue.

Do not forget about the methods of therapeutic massage and physiotherapy, because the effectiveness of these procedures is very high. Very often they try to treat the affected joints with various compresses, lotions and ointments prepared according to popular recipes, but not all of these remedies can have the appropriate therapeutic effect. With their help, you can only temporarily relieve pain and muscle spasms. Before treating osteoarthritis of the hip joint, it is imperative to consult a doctor, since the independent use of one or another drug can only worsen an already complex condition.

Gymnastics for osteoarthritis of the hip

Gymnastics play an important role in the treatment of the disease. Exercises specially selected for osteoarthritis of the hip joint prevent its fusion and maintain mobility. When you develop a painful joint in this way, you have to be very careful not to inflict additional injuries on yourself. Before performing exercise therapy exercises and immediately after them, it is recommended to perform muscle massage in the affected thigh and joint area in order to avoid the appearance of discomfort.

Water is an excellent aid in the treatment of osteoarthritis, therefore it is useful for the patient to swim in a pool, river or sea. In addition, a hot bath, in which you can performslow and slow movements of your legs, will help soothe pain and relieve muscle tension. It is important not to overload the painful joint and to be at rest as much as possible.